Description of the mDEX exchange network
The mDEX (medical Data EXchange) network is a modern and secure service for sharing medical documentation
between healthcare providers. mDEX meets all cybersecurity requirements and allows the sharing of any type
medical documentation.
Features and benefits
- Security
- Speed & high availability
- Interoperability
- Versatility - not only for DICOM data
- Dual encryption - Transmission (TLS 1.3) + Peer 2 Peer (AES)
- Even the server administrator has no way to retrieve the data
- Stream processing, nothing is saved (not even temporary files)
- Multi-factor authentication
- Transmission via relay servers, encryption key negotiation via control servers
- Certificates including automatic renewal for communication with relay and control servers
- The recipient has the option to allow both senders and types of traffic (Blacklist / whitelist policy)
- No open incoming ports, only outgoing TCP connections to control and relay servers
Compression of transmitted data
- 60% less data, approx. 5x faster than GZIP
- Parallelism of transmission
- One sender can send to the same recipient in multiple threads
- For DICOM transfers it is possible to parallelize the transfer of the association (synchronous and
asynchronous transfer possible)
Transmission profiles
- Definition of custom profiles - e.g. DICOM, files, reports...
- Custom operations on the recipient side: DicomStore, Folder, RunProcess, GroovyProcessor,
API for easy connection of 3rd party applications
- Sending: HTTP API - e.g. curl tool, easy to implement
- Receive: scriptable object or transfer processing